Choosing the Perfect Scratching Post: A Guide for Cat Owners

“Unlocking the Mystery of Cat Scratching: A Comprehensive Guide for Feline Enthusiasts”

If you have a fondness for our feline companions, you’re likely familiar with their penchant for scratching various objects. This behavior isn’t just a quirky habit; it serves several essential purposes for cats, including maintaining their claw health, stretching their muscles, and even communicating with other cats. With the plethora of options available, choosing the perfect scratching post for your cat can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve crafted this informative guide to assist you in making the right decision. Keep reading to delve deeper into the world of cat scratching and discover the ideal scratching post for your furry friend.

Understanding the Feline Scratching Instinct
To comprehend the significance of scratching posts for cats, it’s crucial to delve into the reasons behind their scratching behavior.

Scratching is an innate and instinctive behavior in cats, akin to a human’s need to stretch upon waking up. For outdoor cats, scratch marks on trees, fence posts, or gates serve as visible signs of territory marking. These scratch marks, however, serve a dual purpose, as cats also leave behind invisible territorial markers through scent glands located on their paw pads. While these scent markings may be imperceptible to humans, they play a vital role in feline communication.

Even indoor cats exhibit the natural inclination to scratch. Without a designated scratching post, they may resort to using furniture as a scratching surface. To prevent this unwanted behavior, providing an appropriate scratching post is essential. For tips on redirecting your cat’s scratching behavior away from furniture, refer to our comprehensive guide here.

By understanding the underlying reasons for cat scratching behavior, you can better address their needs and provide suitable alternatives to preserve both your furniture and your cat’s well-being.

Tabby cat scratching a scratching post.

What Makes A Good Scratching Object?

It is easy for humans to pick a scratching post that we like the look of without remembering what is best for our cat! But now you understand the importance of a cat’s need to scratch, you can decide on a good cat scratcher for your feline friend.

Every cat will have individual preferences, so as you build your relationship together you can discover exactly what they like. Saying that, here are a few tips on what to look out for in the best cat scratching post.

  • Height: Most cats like tall scratching posts, as this allows them to fully stretch their body.
  • Sturdiness: The best scratching post should also be sturdy. A wobbly post can be off-putting or can startle your kitten if they are trying to enjoy a good scratch.
  • The Right Material: Most cats will warm to posts made from materials that easily shred when scratched. Be wary of materials that could catch their nails as this will cause discomfort and prevent your furry friend from using the post again. We recommend items with a heavy-duty sisal rope or cardboard as they are commonly available and are popular among our kitties.
  • Angles: As most cats like the combination of stretching up vertically, as well as scratching horizontally, you may look to purchase a cat scratching tree or a cat scratching mat. These will cover different angles, and with more scratching opportunities available, your cat will be a happy scratcher!
Bengal cat playing with a scratching post.

Things To Consider About Scratching Posts 

You may be wondering when you should replace your cat’s scratching post. We recommend getting a new post when the material is shredded and no longer provides resistance for your cat’s nails. Some scratching objects will need to be replaced, and others and be refilled with another layer in place of the worn-out material.

So where is the best place to put your cat scratching tree or mat? We recommend popping them close to your cat’s resting places or near where they already scratch, depending on your kitten’s normal scratching habits.

One important thing to remember if you live in a multi-cat household is that you should try to have at least two scratching posts, pads or matts per cat available. This just allows them to scratch in peace and without any arguments! Cats can be private creatures. They will feel comfortable scratching in a place where they won’t be disturbed! The general rule we follow is to have one per cat plus another just in case!

Why Is My Cat Scratching Other Objects?

If this is your problem, you are not alone! This is something a lot of cat parents face from time to time. First of all, you have to assess the reason why your cat is scratching. Are they insecure? Anxious? Hungry? All are reasons they could scratch a different area of your home. 

If your cat is scratching because they are feeling insecure or anxious, consider if there have been any major changes recently that you can help and support them get used to. Help them feel more serene by plugging in FELIWAY Optimum where they spend most of their time. 

If you are not sure what may be making your cat feel insecure, or you need help making them feel less anxious, we advise you to speak to your vet who will check for any underlying medical issues, or a qualified behaviourist can help you work out how best to help your cat feel more at ease.Grey cat sharpening claws on a cat scratching mat.

If you want to discourage your cat from scratching a piece of furniture, we recommend cleaning the area and spraying FELIWAY Classic to help your cat feel more comfortable and at ease within your home. If you are unsure of how your furniture will react to the spray, we recommend testing an inconspicuous area of fabric first, with a scratching post, pad or matt nearby to redirect your kitty’s attention.

Scratching is a good form of relief for your cat, and by encouraging this behaviour on appropriate objects within the home, you will find yourself with a very happy kitty.

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